Defense Industries Commission Signed cooperation agreement with “Al-Turaath” University Collage

A Cooperation agreement signed between Defense Industries Commission DIC and Al-Turaath University Collage , in the presence of general director of legal affairs Ayad Nouri as well as general director of Economy policy Mohamed Qusay.


The Defense Industries Commission (DIC) president Mohamed Sahib Al-Daraji stated at the signing ceremony “as one of (DIC) establishment act #25 in 2019 stipulates on cooperation between Public and private sectors, based on that Defense Industries Commission welcome the new agreement with Al-Turaath University Collage to attract researchers and submit their applicable strategies to enhance workflow made by Iraqi technology and techniques”.


Al-Daraji emphasized “researches and joint work leading to localize military industry, this step has significant value in terms of security and economy “. Defense Industries Commission is moving forward to fulfill its achievement by cooperating with private universities in Iraq ,  as DIC director Al-Daraji pointed out to certain entities tried to ban military industries development as part of their agenda to leave Iraq depends on other countries politically and in military field , DIC signed an agreement with Al-Turaath university which initiated to provide qualified and talents to open research centers, Defense Industries Commission welcomed and open its doors to all public and private universities willing to cooperate with (DIC) , Defense Industries Commission will sponsor master and doctoral proposals that are related to military industries.


Al-turaath university college dean Jafar Jaber highlighted in his speech the necessity of support and develop the military industries in the country , pointing out to the joint agreement  between the university and (DIC) which could leads to the good interest of Iraq.


The agreement lay down a number of important items, such as using  research centers and specialized laboratories at the University to facilitate Defense Industries Commission, as well as  conducting examinations for scientific research that serve both parties, in addition to that the agreement will provide summer training and scientific visits of university  students to the military General corporation, also to  benefit from the expertise of professors in various specializations to provide scientific and advisory support to Defense Industries Commission, lastly hold scientific workshops and exchange visits from both sides. 



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