Defense Industries Commission (DIC) signed public-private partnerships agreement with Al-Turaath university collage, attended by (DIC) general manager of legal affairs Ayad Nouri as well as (DIC) general manager of economy policy Mohamed Qusay.
Defense Industries Commission director Mohamed Sahib Al-Daraji highlights few remarks in his speech after signing public-private partnerships PPP agreement, as one of them is law No. 25 was established by (DIC) in 2019 , ass Al-Daraji clarified this law stipulates special partnership between private and public sectors, based on that Defense Industries Commission(DIC) welcomed initiatives from Iraqi universitas to improve knowledge transfer from research institutes and providing applicable proposals to enhance workflow invented by Iraqi technology and techniques.
Al-Darraji congratulates the Minister of Planninggeneral news,Activities and events,News44203-11-2022
Al-Darraji meets with the Minister of Defense to congratulate his Excellencygeneral news,Activities and events,News35003-11-2022
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Ba document: His Excellency the President of the Industrialization Authority calls for an investigation to refer the employees of the Authority’s factories to retirement before merging the companies into the Authority.general news,News20608-09-2022
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AlDaraji holds 2nd meeting of Coordination Committee to layout future vision of the Commissiongeneral news,News19030-08-2022