AlDaraji remarks at Defence University on new vision of military development

The president of Defence Industries Commission Mohamed Sahib AlDaraji gave speech at Defence University of higher military studies to the students, researchers, and security ministries representatives, the remarks was about how important is the Defence industries to develop combat capabilities of Iraqi military.


AlDaraji showed his gratitude to the university president Lieutenant General Saad AlAlaq, and the university officers for giving this chance to address this lecture.


AlDaraji pointed out the necessity to have cooperation from the military institutions and the Defence Commission in order to purchase military products from the Commission to be used at the security and Defence institutions, as it has a positive impact on economy and national security.


During the lecture time ,The Defence Industries Commission president answered the students and researchers questions and concerns, while the attendees expressed their appreciation of the valuable lecture  was given by AlDaraji which has a clear vision and logic of how to upgrade the combat capabilities of Iraqi military, the lecture also shed the light on the  importance of  having cooperation between the Commission and security and Defence institutions that would have a positive impact on Iraqi economy and national security.

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