Defense Industries Commission “DIC” signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with the University of Technology in Iraq

Defense industries commission director Mohamed Sahib Al-Daraji signed a framework agreement with the director of University of Technology Ahmed Al- Gabban states on their commitments in scientific and technical cooperation from both sides, the agreement concluding attended by general director of legal affairs in the commission Ayad Nouri as well as general director of business department Mohammed Qusay.


“DIC” director Al-Daraji stated the agreement is focusing on transferring research and development outputs as well as collage technical knowledge to defense manufacturing sector ,as well as taking a good advantage of modern technological research done by the university and the academic expertise to support defense industries commission and civil industries, as Al-Daraji mentioned this agreement has an importance role to “ qualifying college student “into supporting and advance  the defense industries and give a motive to look forward for more creativity.


At the ceremony Al-Daraji stated “Defense Industries Commission has an executive role in the University of Technology, to adopt a research project of the university students that are related to defense industries in order to activate the research aspect”. as “DIC’ role, the commission is aiming to achieve scientific cooperation with universitas and scientific, research centers to support defense industries.

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