Defence Industries Commission visit Iraqi Embassy in Bulgaria

The Iraqi Ambassador to Bulgaria Lina Jalal has welcomed the delegation of Defence Industries Commission headed by the Vice President of the commission Ali Fakhri AbdulHamaza and his accompanying delegates. the visit brought productive dialog from both sides, as the Iraqi Ambassador Lina Jalal showed her attribute to the delegation wishing them successful visit.


“it is important to have good collaboration between the Iraqi ambassies and Iraqi government agencies in order to conduct diplomatic relations “Jalal stated while the delegation’s visit to the embassy , as she showed her willingness to undermine any possible obstacles that could face the delegation in the future.  


On the other side, the Vice President of the Commission showed his gratitude to the Iraqi embassy in Bulgaria and its distinguished efforts by managing such a good coordination between the commission and Bulgarian side. As the delegation had the chance to visit several military companies and factories I Bulgaria. the Vice President of the Commission Ali Fakhri Abdulhamza underlined how important is to consider effective cooperation between the Iraqi ambassies and local government agencies in order to reach the desired goals, while he presented a souvenir in name of the commission to the Iraqi ambassy in Bulgaria.


The Commission visit to Bulgaria to attend “ Hemus 2022” exhibition, as they had the chance to attend shooting range of firearms, cannons, weapons launchers and anticraft weapons. The Defence Industries Commission was one of many international organization and agencies that attend “ Hemus 2022” to share its experience and interests in military and defence industry.

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