AlDaraji assesses the functioning ability of Babel handgun locally made

The president  of Defence Industries Commission Mohamed Sahib AlDaraji declared manufacturing completion of Babel Pistol and evaluate its accuracy to release firsts parts into market, AlDaraji also reviewed the process of making AlRafidain rifle to be marketed soon.  


“This manufacture has security and economic benefits, it will contribute the national security stability, and brings the privilege to the country to manufacture its weapons locally “ , AlDaraji pointed out during his tour at Hammurabi factory which is one of the Commission factories based in Babel province , AlDaraji also said.


As he examines the pistol functioning ability AlDaraji said “I urge the security authorities to obtain Babel pistol , this manufacture will increase the currency value, as it is going to be in affordable price in the market would  decrease  the high demands on imported handguns”.


On the other hand , the general manager of Military Industry company stated “ this manufacture will meet the security forces need, as we are getting new types of handguns made by international manufacturers to meet the armed forces’ needs , there is specific types of guns are required based on where the fighter is , this project is one of  the Defence Industries  Commission’s plan that it is looking forward to make new deals with many international companies”,  the general manager of Military Industry company also added “ the company’s goal is to make four more types , and it is possibly we are going to have Canadian model as well as other models from Europe will  announce about them soon.

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