AlDaraji announces making smart bombs by one of the Commission’s factories

The President of Defence Industries Commission Mohamed Sahib AlDaraji has visited two of the commission’s factories “Bader” and “Aqaba” to assess the processes of making hand grenades and mortar bombs manufactured by these two factories.


“We have approached new production strategies to suite our demands such as employing aluminum machining to produce verity parts of products to be used in civilian and military industries, our factories are ready to adopt this new production line” AlDaraji pointed out during his visit.


AlDaraji also stated “we are on the process of making bullets for pistol, Nato, and Kalashnikov machine guns , as well as employing one of the commission’s sites to manufacture bullets cartridges for hunting guns and some mechanical parts that used in guided bombs manufacturing, in addition of that we are planning to make smart bombs in Bader and Aqaba factories which were merged into one entity belong to Defence Industries Commission”.

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