Defense Industries Commission director met Tunisian chargés d'affaires in Iraq

Defense Industries Commission director Mohamed Sahib Al -Daraji

welcomed in his office Tunisian chargés d'affaires in Iraq Fahmi Al- Mashriqi on Monday, during their meeting Al-Mashriq expressed his appreciation of the effort made by Al- Daraji and his role in developing the defense manufacture in Iraq by rebuilding the industries and operating the production lines in Iraq.


Al- Mashriqi shed the light on the success of “security and defense “fair that was held by Iraqi Defense industries commission (DIC), during this meeting the Tunisian chargés d'affaires in Iraq “Fahmi Al- Mashriqi show his appreciation to The Defense industries commission director Mohamed “Sahib Al -Daraji “expressing his excitement to have Al-Daraji in Tunisia to participate in specialty fair that is taking place in Tunisia next month.


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